Theclimatein Santander ishumidoceanic.
Humidityis fairly high throughout the year and can reach 90% at times.
Inwinter the average temperature is 10°C, with lows of 6°C.
Thesummers are very mild with temperatures not generally hitting above 25°C.
Spain uses the euro. Money can be changed for euro at the airport or at any bank branch.
Open 8:30am to 2:30pm (Monday to Friday). Except for the week of 18th July when they close at midday.
Time Difference
The time in Spain (mainland and the Balearic Islands) is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+1).
Mains electricity is Spain is 220 V / 50 Hz.
City Buses
A single bus ticket costs €1.30.
A rechargeable card can be purchased at tobacconists with a minimum €6.60 credit (10 journeys).
Stop nº 7 C1, facing Las Llamas Campus running every 15 minutes to the city centre.
Stop nº 6 C1, exit the Campus to left, on the corner, running every 30 min to the city centre.
Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers
Tele-taxi:942 369 191
Radiotaxi Santander. Tel.: 942 333 333
Train station:Plaza de las Estaciones. (Santander). Tel.: 902 240 202
Bus station: C/ Navas de Tolosa, 1. (Santander). Tel.: 942 21 19 95
Airport: Avenida de Parayas, s/n. (39600 Maliaño). Santander. Tel.: 942 202 100
Santander Town Council.Plaza del Ayuntamiento, s/n (Santander). Tel.: 942 20 06 00
Post Office:The nearest post office to Las Llamas Campus is at: C/ Cruces, nº 6. Santander.
Tel.: 942 277 060.
Emergencies: 112
Tourist information: http://www.turismodecantabria.com/